Saturday 23 November 2013

Winter has arrived

It seems winter has finally arrived and the snow with it.  It always looks so pretty when the first snow arrives doesn't it.  But soon we will get very tired of it and our hopes for Christmas will fade after the New Year and we will all be whining for the warmth again.....

I do like winter mainly because I really don't like to be hot and sticky.  It always feels and smells so fresh when it's colder outside.  I especially love to walk at night in the freshly fallen snow.  It is suddenly so peaceful and still and you can sometimes even hear the snow as it is falls to the ground making a soft hissing sound.

Right, enough of the sentiment.  I now have to get busy and make up some Christmas stockings for charity. Our guild is donating stockings to one of the shelters for teens.  Unfortunately the teens get less attention at Christmas than the younger children. So this year we decided to concentrate more on the teens.  After all they still go through traumatic issues possibly even more so than the younger ones.  They would under normal circumstances, be boiling over with those hormones and growing pains we all suffered ourselves in those early teen years.  To now be homeless and in a shelter can multiply their trauma.  

Giving some teens a little happiness on Christmas can be just a small thing but add a lot of love too.

So now I am going to pull out my Christmas fabrics and scratch my head to try and make something for teen girls and for teen boys.  This should be interesting.  I will post some pictures as I go.

Off I go to stare out the window once more at the falling snow and to get those creative juices flowing.  Hope you all have a wonderful day.